Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Second Day

This morning I went with my aunt and her friend to a neat coffee shop called Nespresso.  They sell specialty modern coffee machines along with chocolate.

The coffee comes in little packets like this and are packed into boxes that look like the wand cases from Harry Potter
We went to the back of the shop where they gave us samples.  It's a good thing the French serve their coffee in tiny cups because that coffee was the strongest and most bitter that I've ever had.  On the other hand, they also gave us a caramel beurre salé chocolate square to try, and, it, in direct opposition to the coffee, was absolutely delectable.

That afternoon, we went to see Pirates of the Caribbean.  As it turns out that, when movies first come out, they're shown in English with French subtitles.  I got a first-hand experience seeing how many things are lost in translation: whereas I found many of the puns and jokes in the movie quite funny, the French translation often couldn't accommodate the humor very well.  Giggling at Jack Sparrow's mannerisms was the only time Laéticia and I were laughing together.

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