Monday, June 20, 2011


This weekend, Gaston, Mélody, and I visited Geneva, a beautiful city set on the landscape of Lake Léman and Mount Blanc.  We caught a bout of rain, but for the most part the weather was very agreeable.  We went to all the major tourist attractions including the Palace of Nations, the Jet d'Eau, the various Jardins, and the floral clock.  Of course we had to make a tourist mistake though: we looked at the map and saw "Eaux Vives," which means living water if you translate it directly, so we walked for around thirty minutes to the place only to find out it was the name of a residential quarter! Unfortunately it totally slipped my mind to go visit the CERN research center.  All-in-all it was a good trip.  My only complaint about Geneva: everything is crazy expensive there. At the first restaurant that we went to, we were charged 6 CHF (~5 Euros/7USD) for a bottle of water because they didn't offer regular water!

I guess it wouldn't be a trip to Geneva without visiting the Palace of Nations.
And of course you could never miss the Jet d'Eau.

 I did experience a bit of a hiccup on my return to Vichy:  my train from Lyon to Vichy was cancelled for unknown reasons.  I had to take a half-hour late train to Roanne and from there, I took a bus to Vichy.  I would try to say that the silver lining was that it was a scenic trip, but then I'd be lying about the scenery.  There was however, a yo-dawg roundabout system.  I think we went through five consecutive roundabouts at one point.

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