Friday, June 10, 2011

On the way to Paris

After morning classes, I hopped on the TER (slow trains) rail to Lyon where I spent some time with my awesome cousins.  The Lyon train station was incredibly crowded because Monday is the French equivalent of Labor Day.  As such, my train to Dijon was delayed by 15 minutes, which worried me because I only had 22 minutes to transfer trains at Dijon.  Everything worked out though.  The trip was scenic and the chairs were comfy.

There were many turbines along the way.  Most of France is nuclear powered, though.

Smaller cities like this were sprinkled all throughout the train trip
When I arrived at my final destination in Paris, La Défense, that's where the real trouble started.  The metro map made it seem easy to find my hotel... just exit and take a right.  HOWEVER, the metro station really lets people out into the mall plaza and courtyard, which is across a deceptively simple-looking road.  Turns out the maps in the area are 2D for 3D concepts, so I was wandering around lost for over an hour (I'm already bad with directions as it is).

La Grande Arche.  First thing I saw as I came out of the metro.
The mall was really pretty a night.

More or less, after 15 minutes, I found my way to the "VOUS ETES ICI."  The rest of the journey took over an hour.  I found myself in creepy alleyways, under bridges, and in vacant areas.

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